Remove duplicates

Remove duplicates from a calendar
This guide will show you how to remove duplicates from a calendar.

Please read the following carefully:
If you follow this guide, your calendar will be exported first, than deleted and finally it will be reimported without duplicates. If your calendar is connected with a Syncadapter, this process can cause troubles and maybe the further synchronisation process will not work, so it is better not to do that!

Open app and choose calendar

All duplicates from calendar A will be deleted. The calendar is already choosed.

Export calendar

The calendar will be exported to file test.ics

Calendar successfully exported

The calendar was exported with 2 events. Both are the same.

Import calendar

Go back to the startscreen of the app and choose Import.
Then choose the file test.ics.

Import calendar

Check the box Purge local calendar before import in the group More settings.

Import calendar

Klick on Import.

Import calendar

All your duplicates should be removed now.

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