iCal Import/Export CalDAV 3.2
is the ultimative import/export/sync app for your android calendar with first class support for everyone.
See always what’s happening, nothing is hidden from the user.
Feature overview
Import, export, sync, transfer, archive, calendar editing, deleting, changing, a very cool Widget, and much more!
You can import and export from various sources and to various destinations:
★Internal/external storage
Copy content of calendar A to calendar B
Create, edit or delete android calendars
Pro Features
(In free version 14 days testable after first start)
Scheduled Import/Export/Transfer
Plan your imports, exports and transfers and run them in specific intervals.
You can also limit planned operations to a specific WLAN.
CalDAV Android 4.0 and above, events only
State of the art CalDAV implementation, featuring WebDAV Sync.
You can also limit the synchronization to a specific WLAN.
★Most SabreDAV based servers
★Many others, but they are not tested
★No support of mailbox.org, memotoo and Yahoo
More CalDAV information: Link
Extra Features
★Purge calendars
★Archive calendars
Monitor planned imports/exports and caldav directly on your homescreen, try it out!
Privacy policy
You can find the privacy policy here: Privacy policy
Used permissions
NO permission is used for a purpose other than the operations choosen by the user! There are no ads, no tracking or any other data stealing.
Following permissions are used for the CalDAV syncadapter and are only used to administer accounts created by iCal Import/Export:
- READ_SYNC_STATS – Check if synchronization is currently running
- READ_SYNC_SETTINGS – Read current settings of CalDAV account
- WRITE_SYNC_SETTINGS – Store CalDAV account settings. Interval, automatic sync,…
- MANAGE_ACCOUNTS – Administer CalDAV accounts
- GET_ACCOUNTS – Retrieve CalDAV accounts
- ACCESS_WIFI_STATE – When synchronisation or planned operation is restricted to a specific WLAN this permission is used to check if the currently connected WLAN is the correct one
- ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE – Check if the phone is connected to the internet
- INTERNET – Import/Export or synchronize from online sources
- WRITE_CALENDAR – Write events to android calendar
- READ_CALENDAR – Read events from android calendar
Externer Speicher
- WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE – Write calendar files to internal/external storage
- READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE – Read calendar files from internal/external storage
Automatisch starten
- RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED – Initializing planned operations on phone startup
Power settings
Location permission